Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spring has sprung

Spring has sprung, people. It sure has sprung. Daffodils! Flowering trees! My allergies! Short sleeves! All signs of spring!

I'm wearing these shoes with tights a lot more because boots with leggings are too much, but bare legs and sandals are not even close to enough. Let me tell you though, tights are maybe the most annoying piece of clothing ever. (My mother says pantyhose are worse, which made me realize that I've never, ever worn pantyhose. Do people still wear pantyhose? Is that still a thing?)

Look at me and Thomas in our stripes (mine go a little off kilter when holding a baby)! I just did a some online shopping for the little guy. He needs some spring duds too! Springtime = shopping. Is it annoying or awesome that Thomas grows out of his clothes every three months? I've decided awesome because I like shopping, and I like to see my baby boy growing! Happy spring to you!


Becky said...

So excited about springggg! No more huge coat! All the allergies are coming. As glorious as it is terrible lolzzz

Midnight Cowgirl said...

You both look cute in your stripes! I'm so jealous that you have flowers blooming :)

Lisa said...

Stripes are always good and little flippy skirts are good too.
Cute babies are definitely good!
Lisa x