Friday, November 6, 2015

Style Icon: Lucille Ball

Lucille Ball was really, really funny and also a total knockout. Let us look at photos of her wearing polka dots. Polka dots are pretty! Just like Lucy.

Polka-dotted dresses are great for taking care of children and being a hilarious housewife.

This one is a little more glamorous, and it works really well with '50s glasses and a goofy expression.

Here's polka-dot wearing Lucy ready for a drive. Isn't she fab? Love the hat. Love the coat. Love the polka dots, clearly. I also love Lucy. Don't we all?


Melanie said...

YES! I love Lucy too. Comic genius with movie star looks.

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Love her! Stylish and hilarious :)

Lisa said...

I don't really know too much about Lucille Ball but I#m loving all those polka dots.
Lisa x