Sunday, January 25, 2015

Style Icon: Roger Sterling

What's not to love? I mean, other than the smoking. Smoking is bad! But glasses, handkerchiefs and three-piece suits are all highly loveable! 

Don gets more attention. He is the star of the show. But I like Roger's style more. It's a little more fun -- just like Roger!

"Mad Men" is such a flawless show. It's just so smart and cinematic, funny and (more often) heartbreaking. All the characters' clothes are amazing (and often symbolic!) thanks to costume designer Janie Bryant. If you haven't seen the show, carve out a good five days for binge-watching and have at it! You will not be disappointed, although you may find yourself overwhelmed by existential angst. Fabulously dressed, existential angst.  


Becky said...

One of the best TV shows of all times! Also, almost literary in it's themes... The point when America still had the hope for anyone to really make it, be a self-made/self invented man, and what you sacrifice and learn in the process. It's so good!!! Roger is the BEST!!!!!

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Love a man in a three-piece suit :)

Lisa said...

I haven't seen any of this show, I know I should though. Maybe one day.
Lisa x

The Grande Dame said...

He is definitely my favourite male character on the show. He gets all the best lines!