Friday, January 27, 2012

Owl heirloom

Robert's mom asked him if I would be interested in this owl. The answer: "Um, yes" said in a tone that implied "There is very little in the world that Sarah would be more interested in than this owl." What makes it even better is that it was made by Robert's grandma. This is an owl heirloom! I am in love.

It is meant to hold some sort of plant. Robert suggested basil. I have killed two basil plants in the past two years (and have helped zero basil plants survive), but surely I won't forget to water something that is planted in such an adorable owl! (Hopefully. You would think. Right?)


Lucy, Dear Fish said...

That's awesome! I have quite the bird collection myself. It's great that his grandma made it!

Lou said...

I hope you find a plant to fit.


Unknown said...

aww that's a cute owl! thank for visiting my means a lot! :)

Kezzie said...

Ha ha your blog title is very appropriate considering the blogpost you commented on! Thanks for visiting my blog! This owl is very cute! It makes me think of an epidsode of The Antiques roadshow from when I was a child. SOmeone brought in a pottery owl of this size (it was called an Ozzie owl I thnk) and it transpired it was worth £50,000!!!

Bethany Kellen of bunnypicnic said...

how cute is that little owl! i can't wait to see what you'd plant in it. i'd do something like a succulent.

Flight of Fancy Boutique said...

That's one adorable looking owl! Hope to see a plant in it soon! xx

Laura Jones said...

the owl's cute! and it's great that his grandma made it:) x