Saturday, September 21, 2013

Only You

Here's the thing -- if a movie is about someone traveling to Italy and finding love, well,  I'm probably going to love it.

If the movie stars Robert Downey Junior and Marisa Tomei, well, I like it all the more.

And if it regularly references Roman Holiday, one of the best movies of all time, I'm definitely all about it.

Apparently, it was a really poorly reviewed movie, and even Marisa Tomei dismissed it in an interview once (and I was like "No! No, no, no! I love that movie!"). Look at those beautiful Italian buildings! And that blonde lady is Bonnie Hunt, who plays the funny best friend. I love Bonnie Hunt! I want her to be my funny best friend!

Plus both ladies rock some fantastic outfits and Marisa's short, little hairdo is enviable.

Oh how I love romantic comedies. Oh how I love Italy. Oh how I love "Only You."


Emmylou said...

Marisa dismissed this movie?!?! It's her best one IMO!!!!
I loved this movie too:) And all of Marisa's clothes in it were amazing.

Melancholy and Menace said...

Sweet : )

My daughter and I loved this movie.

We also love Italy - very much.

Enjoy your weekend : )

Cee said...

How have I never seen this movie? It has everything I love - Italy, Robert Downey Jr and references to Roman Holiday! I must find a copy immediately!

Lisa said...

I don't know this movie and I'm not sure why because it sounds wonderful. Well anything with RD Jr has got to be watchful.
Lisa x