Thursday, August 14, 2014

So it goes

So... I still have a full-body rash resulting from the medication I took after being in that car accident, which means I am mostly wearing a tunic and no pants because pants make me itch. No outfit photos of this look! Instead, I will post another picture of my baby. His wardrobe is so so so superior to mine at the moment.

I realize most people who read this blog are not new moms, but in case you are or are interested in mom-dom or the "joys" of pregnancy, I'm accidentally following four blogs of new moms/pregnant ladies. These are all blogs I followed anyway, and then all of sudden everyone was pregnant! It clearly made me feel pretty connected to the writers! I want to especially suggest this post, which talks about the difficulty of the first days/weeks. (I struggled with breastfeeding so much I'm not even going to get into it. All I'll say is all my friends/doctors/family were nonjudgmental and supportive, and I beat myself up like crazy over it.) What I like about all four blogs is that no one's sugarcoating the experience. Yes it is wonderful and amazing and baby bumps are cute and actual babies are even cuter, but it's also an incredibly trying experience (with or without a full-body rash).

The blogs are:

Ramshackle Glam

The Clueless Girl

Healthy Tipping Point

These Are Modern Colors

I also want to link to a blog post that made me cry when we were trying to conceive. At the time, it felt like it was taking an eternity to get pregnant (actuality: 10 months), and I worried so much it would never happen. Jane from "Always with Yoo" wrote about infertility in such an eloquently heartbreaking way here.

Blogs are awesome because they provide connections. My two best friends are both mamas, but they also both live very far away from me (phone calls are your friend). My nearby friend circle is full of awesome women who are child-free mostly by choice. I am trying not be that lady who talks about her kid all the time (so far: not successful), but it's nice for me to be able to hop onto the Internet and read about women who are going through the same things I am. I didn't think I had unrealistic expectations going into motherhood, but I'm finding that it's different than I thought it would be, and I'm falling short in ways I didn't expect (coughbreastfeedingcough). Through my long-distance friends and these blogs, I'm learning that the experience is not full-on sunshine and rainbows for anyone, and that really keeps me from feeling alone and defeated. Instead, I can cherish all the perfect moments in this imperfect time. There is nothing better than singing to my son and seeing him smile. There is nothing better than snuggling up with his little hand holding my finger. There is really nothing better than this.


Hollie said...

Thanks for the shout out! I'm going to go check out those other blogs right now!

Emmylou said...

Jane from Always With Yoo is awesome:) I love her blog.
Will check out those other blogs as well. Thanks for sharing them:)

Sonya Mann said...

Hang in there you wonderful lady <3 I hope the rash gets better soon! Yes, blogs are awesome.

Melancholy and Menace said...

Such a cute pic :)

I hope your rash gets better soon.

Have a perfect weekend with your lovely family x